Wednesday, January 28, 2009

WTF apple!

Just spent a long time (as in several hours) stumbling on things that shouldn't have even been problems.

1) Multi-touch on the iPhone. The freaking canvas has to have a property set to enable multi-touch. You still get multi-touch if you don't enable it, but the data is random--which makes you think that the scale and translation you are applying to your canvas is wrong. I see no good reason for having the option of turning off multi-touch events, so whoever decided that I want my wasted hour back.

2) OpenGL errors on the iPhone. Put in some glGetErrors to trace down the few errors I was having. Oddly enough they seemed to be right around the calls that used GL_CLIP_PLANE1 (not GL_CLIP_PLANE0, just clip plane 1). Sure, that didn't seem to be a problem before, but what'evs--I can deal with it. Still some other textures that looked wrong. Turns out I inadvertently created some non-power-of-two textures (which work fine in new versions of OpenGL now-a-days). As soon as I realized this I decided to double check the clip plane problem. Sure enough, no longer a problem. Why in the hell was an error being reported on the CLIP_PLANE1 and not somewhere closer to the texture. Damn, damn, double damn.

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