Tuesday, March 17, 2009

wxWidgets documentation

Last week I was porting a wxWidget application to the Mac, which shouldn't be all that painful, but I was having trouble with the application opening command line arguments.

Being one of the first GUI programs that used the command line for loading files, I didn't realize that the command arguments (e.g, "open -a myapp.app anargument", don't get passed in through argv/argc). After doing some digging, I turned up a reference for MacOpenFile in the wxPython port. I looked at the current versions documentation (wx 2.8.x) to see if this was something available in the c++ libraries as well. Didn't appear to be on their page (and doesn't come up if you search the site for MacOpenFile). WTF wxDocs?

Anyway, MacOpenFile does exist but just doesn't appear to be documented (in the common docs that is). It is really too bad because I suspect that most people would check wxApp first for alternatives methods to access command line arguments. Instead, you end up wasting time scouring the web for others with similar problems.

I meant to post this right after I had found the solution so I could tag the blog with all the things I had searched for. Unfortunately, I waited more than a week and no longer remember what I had searched.

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